News & Events

Oct 15, 2022: Session by Peter Schweitzer & Olga Povoroznyuk at Arctic Circle 2022

Peter Schweitzer, Olga Povoroznyuk and Timothy Heleniak presented their recent research at the InfraNorth session “Arctic Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Communities” at Arctic Circle 2022, one of the largest conferences on Arctic policy and research taking place annually in Reykjavik, Iceland. The session was well-attended by researchers, indigenous leaders, representatives of NGOs and governmental bodies […]

Sept 19, 2022: Olga Povoroznyuk Succesfully Defended her PhD-Thesis

Olga Povoroznyuk successfully defended her PhD dissertation “Soviet Infrastructure in the Post-Soviet Era? Building a Railroad and Identity along the Baikal–Amur Mainline in East Siberia”. Her cumulative dissertation introduces the notion of transformative infrastructure and focuses on the role of large-scale infrastructures as articulations of state modernization and identity building. The research was supported by […]

Aug 11, 2022: Article by Olga Povoroznyuk et al. in “Arctic Science”

Interdisciplinary review article on social and environmental consequences of roads and railways led by Olga Povoroznyuk with contributions from W. Vincent, P. Schweitzer and a few other Arctic scholars is now accessible online in the Canadian journal Arctic Science The article features six Arctic case studies and is a result of collaboration between social […]

June 14-15, 2022: InfraNorth Workshop “Arctic Infrastructures: Histories of Exploration, Colonization & Industrial Development”

The Arctic, which often has been recognized by residents of temperate climate zones for its supposed unspoiled nature, has a long history of colonization, urbanization and industrial exploitation. From the days of Arctic whaling to gold rushes and oil booms, the Arctic has a rich legacy of built environment serving as infrastructure mainly for non-arctic […]

June 6, 2022: The InfraNorth Online Survey Has Been Launched!

This survey focuses on the role of transport infrastructures in Arctic and sub-Arctic communities. It is anonymous, consists of seven (7) questions, and takes about 10 minutes to complete.The survey is available at residents in Northern communities aged 18 years or more are invited to participate in the survey!

CfPs for InfraNorth Events at VANDA 2022

ERC project “InfraNorth” (“Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructure and Sustainable Northern Communities”) will hold two events at the conference Vienna Anthropology Days taking place in Vienna on September 26-30, 2022. Please, feel free to submit your papers to the panel “Infrastructure and the Built Environment in the Anthropocene” and your expressions of interest to […]