March 22, 2022: Webinar with Peter Schweitzer “Crossroads, Ice Curtain & Chokepoint: Bering Strait Over Time”

Webinar with Peter Schweitzer

The Bering Strait, the body of water that both separates and binds together the USA and the Russian Federation, has been an area of heightened world historical significance ever since it formed a land bridge between Northeast Asia and Northwest North America at the end of the last Ice Age that enabled the peopling of the Americas. Despite these deep historical connections, the talk will focus on the region’s more recent history since the late 19th century. This history has been characterized by indigenous cultural contacts, imperial ambitions, resource extraction, as well as infrastructural projects and plans. The story of these entanglements will be told along the lines of several research projects led by the speaker and spanning the last 30 years, ranging from “Traveling Between Continents” to “Moved by the State” to “Building Arctic Futures (InfraNorth)”. The latter, a recently commenced ERC project, focuses on the nexus between transport infrastructures and the well-being of Arctic communities. The Bering Strait is a chokepoint for Arctic maritime traffic between the Atlantic and the Pacific, no matter whether transportation is routed via the Northern Sea Route or the Northwest Passage. While the geopolitical and strategic significance of the Bering Strait has been great throughout the 20th century, the invasion of the Ukraine will undoubtedly lead to making the 80 kilometres separating Russia from its eastern neighbour into even more volatile waters. Notwithstanding these global dimensions, the talk will be anthropological in nature and focus on the local scale.

March 22, 14:00 (13:00 CEST)

University of Helsinki Website

Zoom Link

Dec 3, 2024: InfraNorth Participation at the 6th Nordic Conference for Rural Research

Two members of the InfraNorth team, Timothy Heleniak (a senior research fellow at Nordregio) and Ria-Maria Adams, will participate in the 6th Nordic Rural Research Conference, held in Kiruna, Finland, from December 3-5. This year’s conference theme is “New Pathways to Sustainable Transitions?” Timothy Heleniak is coordinating working group 1.1, “The benefits of migration in […]

Dec 2, 2024: CRAFT Webinar with Peter Schweitzer, Olga Povoroznyuk and Stanislav Saas Ksenofontov

On Monday, December 2, 2024, at 19:00 CET, Peter Schweitzer, Olga Povoroznyuk, and Stanislav Saas Ksenofontov (Indigenous Sakha social scientist, Postdoctoral scholar at the University of Northern Iowa), will be guest speakers in the CRAFT webinar series “Engaging Social Sciences and Indigenous Perspectives in Arctic Infrastructure Research.” The event will be streamed live on Facebook. […]

Nov 28, 2024: Presentation by Ria-Maria Adams at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Katrin Großmann (Forschungskollektiv Peripherie und Zentrum, FH Erfurt) and InfraNorth researcher Ria-Maria Adams will be presenting at the conference Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement & Stadterneuerung (in English: Civic Engagement & Urban Regeneration) organized by the Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU) at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in Germany (November 28 – 29, 2024). On Thursday, November 28, at […]

Nov 2024: Chapter by Peter Schweitzer in the Anthropos Special Issue “The Seasonal and the Material”

Anthropos, the international journal of anthropology and linguistics, has just released the special issue “The Seasonal and the Material: Anthropology of Seasonal Practices,” co-edited by Sabina Cveček and Barbara Horejs. Among its contributions is a book chapter by Peter Schweitzer, titled “Seasons and Seasonality in the (Alaskan) Arctic: Human and More-than-human Cycles of Engagement.” In […]