Jul 23, 2024: InfraNorth at EASA 2024 Conference in Barcelona

InfraNorth team members will participate in the 18th EASA Biennial Conference in Barcelona. With the theme “Doing and Undoing with Anthropology,” the event will take place at the University of Barcelona (July 23 – 26, 2024).

On Tuesday, July 23, Katrin Schmid will present her paper “Devolution of Desires, or How Food and Transportation Determine Inuit Futures as part of panel 226, “Theorising Futurity from the Fringes.” In her presentation, she will examine the role of infrastructure, especially transportation, in Nunavut residents’ desires on the path to territorial food sovereignty and asks how development can better align with Inuit needs. This session will take place from 13:45 to 15:30 CEST in room 212 of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona (c/ Montalegre, 6).

On Friday, July 26, Philipp Budka and Katrin Schmid, along with Jolynna Sinanan (University of Manchester) and Raphael Deberdt (Colorado School of Mines), will co-convene panel 075, titled “Infrastructural Residues: Reproduction and Destruction of Infrastructures Across Space and Time.” This session will cover a range of perspectives and contexts, acknowledging that infrastructures play a crucial role in social transformations, sociopolitical developments, and innovation processes. The panel will take place in room 307 of the Faculty of Geography and History and is structured in two parts, the first from 9:00 to 10:45 CEST and the second from 11:15 to 13:00 CEST.

Additionally, Philipp Budka will present a paper titled “Planes, Trains, Ships and Rockets: Infrastructural Temporalities and Entanglements in Northern Manitoba, Canada” in the second part of panel 075. The paper explores the temporalities and entanglements of transport infrastructures through concrete moments of change.

Logo of the EASA 2024 Conference Barcelona
SS Ithaka, a wrecked freighter on the Hudson Bay coast near Churchill, Manitoba. Photo by Philipp Budka.
Logo of the EASA 2024 Conference in Barcelona

Jul 23, 2024: InfraNorth at EASA 2024 Conference in Barcelona

InfraNorth team members will participate in the 18th EASA Biennial Conference in Barcelona. With the theme “Doing and Undoing with Anthropology,” the event will take place at the University of Barcelona (July 23 – 26, 2024). On Tuesday, July 23, Katrin Schmid will present her paper “Devolution of Desires, or How Food and Transportation Determine […]

Announcement of the InfraNorth Workshop “Ethnography Beyond the Case Study: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparison”

Sep 10, 2024: InfraNorth Workshop “Ethnography Beyond the Case Study: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparison”

Date and time: September 10, 2024, from 09:30 to 18:00 CEST. Venue: Nordregio. Holmamiralens Väg 10, Skeppsholmen, 111 49 Stockholm, Sweden (See: Map). Register here for in-person attendance. Register here for online participation. The ERC Advanced Grant project InfraNorth, in collaboration with Nordregio, will host the workshop “Ethnography Beyond the Case Study: Possibilities and Limitations […]

Amazon hub in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Photo by Katrin Schmid (2023).

Jun 20, 2024: Polar Journal Features Research by Katrin Schmid

Polar Journal, an online information platform on polar affairs, recently published an article titled “Nunavut communities in petition to regain access to vital Amazon deliveries.” The piece, written by Ole Ellekrog, features insights from Katrin Schmid’s research in Nunavut, as well as her recent blog post “Amazon in the Arctic.” Drawing on conversations that the […]

Olga Povoroznyuk receives the sowi:doc 2023 Award by the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences. © Barbara Mair / Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Jun 13, 2024: Talk by Olga Povoroznyuk at the sowi:doc Awards Ceremony

“We build a railroad and the railroad builds us.” This idea gave title to Olga Povoroznyuk’s talk at the sowi:doc 2023 Awards ceremony of the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS). Dr. Povoroznyuk, one of this year’s award winners, talked about her dissertation “Soviet infrastructure in the post-Soviet era? Building a railroad and identity […]

Peter Schweitzer receives the IASSA Award 2024.

Jun 1, 2024: Peter Schweitzer Receives IASSA Award 2024

The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) has granted Peter Schweitzer an Honorary Lifetime Membership Award in recognition of his sustained and significant contribution to Arctic social sciences. The award ceremony took place on June 1, 2024, during the 11th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS XI) and as part of the Arctic Congress […]

Logo of the High North News.

May 31, 2024: The High North News Features Research by Ria-Maria Adams

The High North News, an independent newspaper published by the High North Center, recently highlighted InfraNorth researcher Ria-Maria Adams’ presentation at the Stormen Concert Hall during the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø. Her presentation “Entanglements of Arctic Tourism Infrastructures: Imaginaries & Temporality” explored how “imaginary infrastructures” (featuring the elusive aurora hunting and the promotion of imaginary […]